Get expert tips and strategies for automating campaigns, optimizing customer acquisition, and maximizing ROI with AI-driven marketing solutions.
Discover how setting up automated processes can increase the efficiency of your online store. Save time, increase sales and improve customer experience with modern tools and strategies.
Automated email sequences can help you improve customer communication, increase sales and strengthen loyalty. Learn step-by-step how to set them up effectively for your online store.
Building a strong online store brand on social media can be a challenge, but with a clear strategy you can increase awareness of your business, attract new customers and build loyalty. Get inspired by our tips!
Discover how to effectively promote your online store on social networks. Learn how to find out how to use your online store on your website, how to create quality content, how to publish regularly, how to engage your audience, how to work with influencers and how to use paid advertising. Be creative, be consistent and show the world what you have to offer!
Harness the power of seasonal marketing campaigns to increase sales! Discover tips for planning, personalizing and using digital tools to maximize the success of your campaigns.
Email marketing is one of the most effective tools for reaching customers, increasing sales and building customer relationships. If you want your email campaigns to stand out, deliver results, and keep your recipients interested, you need to be strategic. In this article, we'll show you how to do just that.
Discover how the Customer Data Platform (CDP) helps unify customer data to improve campaign performance. Personalization, segmentation and better budget allocation will allow you to achieve a higher return on marketing investment.
Find out what customer lifetime value (CLV) is, why it's important for business growth, and how to effectively increase it with customer service, loyalty programs, and personalised offers.
Find out why marketing personalization is essential to building customer relationships and increasing sales. This blog article explains how personalised campaigns improve loyalty, conversion rates, and marketing budget efficiency.
Discover the most common mistakes in email marketing for online stores and find out how to avoid them. Learn how to segment correctly, create attractive email subject lines and respect GDPR for more successful campaigns.
Discover how to use the 4P marketing mix to effectively manage and grow your business! Learn how to properly combine the different elements to achieve a competitive advantage and satisfy customer wants and needs.
ROAS is a key metric for measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. In this article you will learn what ROAS is, how to calculate it and how to effectively increase it for better campaign results.
Discover the key to a successful business with the Marketing Funnel. We'll discuss how to effectively guide potential customers from initial brand introduction to a long-term relationship.
Discover what affiliate marketing is and how it can significantly increase traffic and sales to your online store. Learn how this effective marketing model works and how to use it to grow your business.
Attribution models are key tools in digital marketing for understanding the influence of individual channels on campaign success. Discover the different types of attribution models, their benefits and how they can help you.
Find out which changes increase performance and conversions, and start with small experiments for best results.
Gain knowledge about what influencer marketing is and how to use it effectively for your online store. Learn why it's important and how to work with influencers to get better sales results.
Discover a list of key marketing metrics like CPC, CTR, CPA, CPM, CR, PNO and ROS that help improve campaign performance and increase ROI.
In online marketing, we encounter various metrics every day, which are an inherent part of performance marketing. Whether you're managing paid ads on Google, Facebook, or creating email campaigns, you can't do without metrics.