About Tanganica

Tanganica was founded in 2020 with a vision to help e-commerce store owners start their business, simply and smartly.


Tanganica's beginnings date back more than twenty years, when Philip and Robert went to kindergarten together. Even then, they were inseparable partners and that has lasted them to this day. Along the way, they tried some business together. The last one, before Tanganyika, were e‑shops. They ran a few together, and you can't say that unsuccessfully. But the more they delved into the world of e‑commerce, they discovered how big a pond it was, but they always liked to stand out. But they didn't want to get too far away from e‑commerce, because they were always very attracted to this area. So they thought about what they, as complete beginners, actually lacked in business. Almost everyone can build an e-shop, even if not perfectly. Get your products among the right people without having to spend a lot of money? Most of my colleagues could no longer cope with this.

And the idea was in the world.

Since then, a couple of years have passed and Tanganica has managed to reach the stage where you can not only launch several advertising formats from one place, but also advertising in several European countries. And we find that cool!

Our app is still in development, and it is this constant desire for refinement and innovation that drives us forward. Our plans are ambitious and we are moving towards them with enthusiasm. We are delighted to be a part of this exciting journey with you, and we look forward to seeing what future years will bring us. Together, we are heading for new challenges and hope that our history will be an inspiration to other entrepreneurs and innovators.

So we look forward to what the next few years bring us.

They wrote about us

They make it easier for e-commerce stores run ads easily. Czech Tanganica receives an investment

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So my mom can handle it, too. Czech tool makes marketing easier for e-commerce stores, makes advertising easier for them

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Filip Svárovský (CEO, Tanganica): we save time and money when managing product ads for e-commerce stores

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