25 600 € of new revenue in the first month since the launch of Tanganica.com

Monthly store's visits: approx. 100 000 users
Omni-chanel approach: online sales combined with dozens of branches
Start of cooperation: June 2023
At the same time, the store uses a marketing agency
Monitoring period: May 30 to June 30, 2023
When a marketing agency came to us in early May saying they wanted to increase revenue and traffic for their client who sells construction materials, we were a little skeptical. We have not yet had experience with this kind of assortment in Tanganica and, after the analysis, everything indicated that it would be worth it.
We launched the first campaign on May 31 and we saw great results already in the first few days.
This is what the results looked like in the first month:

Summary of the first month
Total spend: 1 434 € (35 820 CZK)
Total revenue: 25 600 € (640 943 CZK)
ROAS: 1750%
Assisted revenue: 15 312 € (382 294 CZK)Number of orders: 159
Conversion Rate: 0,61%
The store's own campaigns were not affected

It was important for us that the store's own campaigns were not affected after the Tanganica.com launch. The system in Tanganica is set up to try to bring in additional revenue without affecting its own campaigns. As a result, this means that the launch of Tanganica.com is risk-free for the store and thanks to our simple price list, the store will only pay for the results brought.
Revenue from paid Google Up 145%

After that, when we looked at total revenue from paid Google, that is, the sum of sales from store's own campaigns (google/cpc) and revenue from Tanganica (tanganica/cpc), they increased by 145% month-on-month. This is an absolutely great result, because the agency struggled for a long time with the fact that it was not able to scale its campaigns effectively and thanks to Tanganica it was able to grow again in a drastic way.
Looking at the statistics of the store's own campaigns, we see that after the campaigns were launched in Tanganica, there was no influence on these original campaigns (cannibalization). And what was the result? The increase in total revenue climbed to more than 26%, despite a slightly declining season caused by the start of the holiday season. Very surprising is the growth in revenue from paid Google, which is 145%. So these are additional revenue that Tanganica has brought in extra.